Black Engineering Intelligence Network GroupA CogniSphere Intelligence™ Company
Black - /blăk/:
1. Complete or almost complete absence of light; darkness.
2. Disclosed, for reasons of security, only to an extremely limited number of authorized/privileged persons.
What we do & services we offer (OCONUS Only):
Computer Consultancy And Computer Facilities Management Activities
Research And Experimental Development On Natural Sciences And Engineering
Research And Experimental Development On Social Sciences And Humanities
Photographic Activities - Long Range AAV-ISR
Other Professional, Scientific And Technical Activities Not Elsewhere Classified
Every tool carries with it the spirit by which it has been created.
Werner Karl Heisenberg
Sapere Aude
Warning Notice:Any attempt(s) initiated to modify, manipulate, deface, disrupt, redirect and or tamper with - in any way, shape or form; this website, will be treated and considered an active, hostile cyber attack against our entire collective group. Immediate action(s) will be taken, by any means necessary, towards neutralization, destruction and attribution of ´all´ targets - human and artificially-created directly, indirectly and passively connected to the identified actions initiated against this website, with extreme prejudice.We do not provide demos or private client/enterprise past performance. So do not ask or request for disclosure of such reference data/information & intelligence.
Tradecraft, know-how and or methods of delivery of products and services are strictly confidential and proprietary. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS.
© 2025. BEING - BLACK ENGINEERING INTELLIGENCE NETWORK GROUP - a CogniSphere Intelligence™ Company. All rights reserved.